Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Lv 13:1-2, 44-46
1 Cor 10:31—11:1
Mk 1:40-45

Compassionate healing

The gospel story for this Sunday once again illustrates the healing power of Jesus and his desire to eliminate anything unclean from our lives. This is another great story of Jesus’ caring, love and mercy.

During the historical period of Jesus’ lifetime, and long after, leprosy was a disease that was more than just physical. It was a disease that cut the person off from loved ones and the community. The individual could not be in contact with other people. In Fact, they were to wear a bell to warn others of their presence. The man with leprosy approaches Jesus and begs him to heal him, saying “If you wish, you can make me clean.” Typical of Jesus, he is moved with pity and reaches out to touch the man, even though touching a leper was forbidden under Jewish law. When Jesus touches the man, he himself becomes unclean according to the Jewish law.  Jesus ignores this restriction in favor of his loving act of compassion. Jesus is not limited by societal or religious norms, but rather, always reaches out to those who suffer in any way possible. 

The leprous man seems to have a deep faith because he believes that Jesus can heal him, and In spite of the spacial restrictions distancing him from others, he courageously approaches Jesus. His faith is rewarded. After healing the man, Jesus tells him to go to the priests and show himself to them as a proof of his healing. He will then be free to rejoin his loved ones and community, to become whole again,

In order for us to become whole, we need Jesus’ compassionate healing in our lives. We need to be aware of the importance of faith and trust in Jesus’ ability to heal us of all that prevents us from becoming the women and men God created us to be. The leper’s words to Jesus should be part of our daily prayer. “If you wish, you can make me clean.” None of us is without human weakness in one way or another. We need to believe that Jesus wants us to be whole and wants to love us, heal us, forgive us. We have to be open to recognizing our own shortcomings and try to transform into the words and actions of Jesus so freely given to those in need because they are spoken and given to us as well. 

“If you wish, you can make me clean.” This should be our approach too. All we have to do is ask and the compassionate healing touch of Jesus will be with us.

What is your greatest need right now that requires Jesus’ healing?

How can you become more honest with yourself to admit to your human weaknesses and then seek transformation and healing?

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